Saturday, July 7, 2007

JMMA Weekly Calendar

MONDAY: "Top Friends" theme changes. Be the first to guess the theme and win a "valuable" prize.

TUESDAY: Mayer "Mystery Bag." The activity for this day will change from week to week, often with JM MP3 "giveaways" involved.

WEDNESDAY: New "Emerging Artist of the Week" announced.

THURSDAY: "What John Mayer Song Fits Your Mood Today?" Post a comment about what JM song is running through your head, dictating your life, lecturing you, comforting you, etc.

FRIDAY: New "Feature Song of the Week" posted to JMMA Music Player.

SATURDAY: "Which Song Should We Keep?" Poll. You vote for the song you want kept on the JMMA Music Player.

All this happens at:

~ Rob

Submitting your Mayer cover song to JMMA

If you'd like to submit a John Mayer cover song to JMMA, send it to me via email at:

All songs must be in MP3 format, as the Myspace music player will only recognize MP3s.
Also, I don't use all songs that I receive. Please don't take it personally. Deal? :)

~ Rob

John Mayer-influenced musicians... unite!

If you are a guitarist who loves to play Mayer songs, but you can't sing a note... or if you're a singer who can belt out John's songs like no other, but you can't play a lick of guitar... SPEAK UP!

Let's use the JMMA Myspace Music page as a way of uniting people who need a musical partner to record some John Mayer cover songs. If you've always wanted to record one of John's songs but you need help in one way or another, visit the JMMA Myspace page ( and reply to the Blog with this same title: "John Mayer-influenced musicians... unite!" Chances are, someone will be looking for what YOU have to add to what THEY can do.

~ Rob

Introduction to JMMA

Hello, all ~

Thank you for visiting the John Mayer Music Appreciation (JMMA) Myspace Music page. If you haven't already done so, join the JMMA Yahoo Group at:

We have over 500 members there and talk about everything that relates to John Mayer.
The Myspace Music page is dedicated to some of the songs our Group Members have recorded as a tribute to John and to encourage new friends to try their hand at JM cover songs. My goal is to feature a new JM cover each week.

~ Rob