Wednesday, April 30, 2008

JMMAer of the Day

If you'd like to increase the circle of your JM friends on Myspace, complete the questions below and we will feature you as the "JMMAer of the Day" in a Bulletin. Please cut and paste the questions below into a message and sent it to us at the JMMA Myspace account (

First name:
Where do you live:
Favorite Quote:
Three things you love besides John Mayer:
What 'table' did/do you sit at in high school (popular, jocks, geeks, band, etc):
Three words you'd use to describe yourself:
Would you like other JMMAers to add you (yes, no):
Anything else you'd like to add:

Also, please specifiy what picture you'd like us to use from your Myspace gallery.

That's it! Have fun with it, kids. This isn't a test. :)

~ Rob