Thursday, June 26, 2008

What It's Like To Own John Mayer

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I own John Mayer. It's true. He's mine and he has to do everything I command him to do. If I want him to hug a friend of mine, he has to. If I want him to wink at someone, he does it. He'll even poke the people I want him to.

What I'm talking about is the Myspace application "Own Your Friends." It's basically a game where you accumulate "money" for doing certain activities, and if you have enough you can purchase your Myspace friends as virtual "pets." Once you own them, you can make them poke, hug, wink at, smack, and high-five your other friends.

Well, JMMA has owned John as a pet for about a month now and during that time I've received a handful of requests from people I don't even know saying, "Can you please make John poke me?!? Pleeeeeeese!!!" Uh... okay. I almost want to write them back afterward and say, "Was it good for you?"

Anyway, my point of this is... I'm going to begin leasing John out. If you want him, please post a COMMENT at and let me know when you want him, how long you want him for, and what you're willing to pay for him. What you do with him is your business. Just please hose him down after and let him drip-dry. (He shrinks and fades in the dryer.)

Any takers?


John Mayer's owner,
Otherwise known as,
~ Rob


Unknown said...

Robbie..pimp daddy..hehe

KELLY said...

Ummmmm.....No, I will not say it...
but, I can think it! LOL!!!