Thursday, March 13, 2008

Forgive Me For Underestimating You... Again!

Okay, I've been running JMMA in one form or another for over four years now. During that time, I've had lots of crazy ideas on how to get people more involved in the discussions in an effort for us to get to know one another better. The funny thing is I'm always thinking, "It's not going to work - they're not going to respond." But you always surprise me! And the latest is this JMMAgazine thing.

What I love most about it is the interaction between JMMAers - the compliments on each other's pictures; the good-spirited poking fun at one another and the headlines; the general kindness we're showing one another. THAT'S what this Group is all about! Yeah, we're all here because we love Mayer's music. But it's starting to go beyond that: We're all here because we're fucking cool. =)

So thanks for always surprising me with your responsiveness to everything we do at JMMA!


Unknown said...

thanks for putting me up there hun.

xoxo "Y"

KELLY said...

Thank YOU!!!

cheriswa said...

ROB-STUD of the Month ;) Haven't seen this one yet- LOVE IT! Fantastic job and the most interactive MySpace page I've got on my friend's list, I'm sure most JMMA'rs would agree! I know you put a lot of effort into this whole thing, a BIG THANK YOU Rob and Sharon =)

Unknown said...

aweeee Rob!!! I love you, man!!
THANK YOU for creating such a great space that JMMA is if it wasn' for JMMA I wouldn't have met some farking great ppl.

Unknown said...

*tear *tear..we love ya Rob!!